Hope you’re enjoying the series so far.
Up to now, we’ve covered a general primer on EI, an interview on SELF, and then 2 Parts on Self-Awareness (with another interview to come soon on this topic).
Now today – it’s all about self-assessment – and finding out what your EQ (score) or in this case the ECR is. It’s very important to get a baseline – where you’re at!!
My Guest is John Broderick, a Founding Director of Roche Martin Ltd.
John Broderick is a consulting psychologist with considerable experience in assessment, training, coaching and teaching in emotional intelligence assessment, leadership development and psychometrics.
He is a qualified trainer in a range of psychometric tools, the Emotional Capital Report (ECR) and ECR360, the MMPI-2, & NEO personality Inventory. Along with his Australian colleague and business partner, Dr Martyn Newman, he has spearheaded training in Emotional Intelligence, leadership and professional coaching in Ireland.
He is a founding Director of Roche Martin Ltd, a leadership development company. John has also worked for several years in third level counselling, research and development.
A registered member of the Psychological Society of Ireland and founder member of the Division of Counselling Psychology, he is also a member of the Coaching Psychology Group in PSI and the Irish branch of the Association For Coaching.
I was delighted to sit with John when he was in Cork in February and talked about his own Emotional Intelligence Journey and deep dived into the area of psychometrics and how these are used in emotional intelligence and assessing clients.
Topics covered:
Website – www.rochemartin.com
If you’re interested in more details on what was covered in this episode, would like to explore your own Emotional Intelligence deeper, I’d be happy to discuss this further and look at coaching opportunities.
Please do get in touch via email at [email protected] or connect in over any of the social channels - @robofthegreen