10 Great Leadership Traits – Patterns Emerging from 1% Better Interviews (so far)! EP139

10 Great Leadership Traits – Patterns Emerging from 1% Better Interviews (so far)! EP139

This week's episode is a solo show looking back at some of the key leadership takeaways from across all the interview I've done over the last 3 years. For all the episodes and leaders mentioned in the show, you can find a link to the interview with them below. This talk is one I've done to groups and teams and would be happy to do it again with some Q&A if anyone is interested. Just get in tough via email rob@robofthegreen.ie Leadership Defined - EP66 John Eades - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/johneades-ep15s2/
  1. Authentic Leadership – Knowing Thyself
    1. Ma Anand Sheela EP100 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/maanandsheela-freedomgoalsacceptinglife-ep100/
    2. Susan Bennett EP107 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/susanbennett-voiceofsiri-ep107/
    3. Nevin Maguire EP48 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/ff-nevenmaguire-ep48/
  1. Growth Mindset
    1. Jim Breen EP59 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/jimbreen-ep8s2/
    2. Isa Nacewa EP120 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/isanacewa-ep120/
  1. Dream Big
    1. Norah Patten – EP38 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/ep38-norahpatten/
    2. Colin O’Brady – EP71 https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/colinobrady-ep18s2/
  1. Work Hard & Practice
    1. Irish Amputee Football Team EP49 & 50 –
https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/ep49-one-p1/ https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/ep50-one-p2/
  1. Andrew Mangan – EP2 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/episode-2-andrew-mangan-on-blogging-podcasting-a-bit-about-arsenal/
  1. The Team & Servant Leadership
    1. Ma Anand Sheela EP100 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/maanandsheela-freedomgoalsacceptinglife-ep100/
    2. Eoghan Quinn – EP123 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/eoghanquinn-ep123/
  1. Listening
    1. Dermot Mannion EP65 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/dermotmannion-ep14s2/
    2. William Bender EP108 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/drbinder-plasticsurgery-beverlyhills-ep108/
  1. Small incremental improvements
    1. Meagan Duhamel – EP79 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/meaganduhamel-ep22s2/
    2. Olive Loughanane – EP60 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/oliveloughnane-ep9s2/
  1. Don’t accept the status quo
    1. Cdr. Roberta O’Brien – EP45 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/ep45-robertaobrien/
    2. Mark Anderson – EP135 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/markanderson-ep135/
  1. Humility – make mistakes, admit it and move on!
    1. This came out in many of the interview
    2. John Eades again in EP132 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/johneades-leadership-culture-talent-ep132/
    3. Greg Herman EP110 - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/gregherman-onepercentbetter-ep110/
  1. Finding the off-switch
    1. Ted Dinan - https://robofthegreen.ie/episodes/teddinan-ep7s2/

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